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Showing Show Cage The show cage for the Fife canary is the Dewar show cage. This is the same cage as used for the Border canary except that the perches are 1/2 inch diameter instead of 5/8 inch for the Border and the gap between them is one wire less i.e. position one perch at the drinker hole then count 6 wires and position the second perch.
Training Show cage training for my young Fifes starts when they are about 5 weeks old. This begins with a training cage (old show cage) being attached to the front of the stock cage. The young birds soon treat the training cage as part of the stock cage. After a few weeks I will occasionally remove the cage with one or more young birds inside and just hold it to get the birds confidence. I very rarely put birds in the training cages for any length of time. My main training regime is to handle the birds in a training cage as much as possible so that they are steady in the lead up to and during the judging at a show. Some training cages attached to the stock cage What you should be looking for in a show standard Fife Canary The image below is not the official Fife model but in my view would be a very good guideline to base your stock on.
The points allocation are those used by the "Fife Fancy Federation". NB: Fife are sometimes called single season bird. This is because when the bird has moulted into its adult plumage its flights and tail feathers will grow back up to 1/4 inch or more longer, making the adults (flighted) longer than the unflighted birds. The Fife Standard Notes: 1. The grand essentials of a Fife Fancy are controlled roundness combined with type, quality and natural colour, (that is non colour fed yellow, buff and white ground only) in a diminutive form. When all other points are equal - preference to be given to the bird nearest to the ideal length. 2. Points are the maximum that can be awarded for a feature. But not the maximum it can be penalised for a serious fault - all features must be in balance. 3. Shown in the standard Border Fancy show cage with non-drinker perch moved in one wire - drinker hole may be reduced in size for extra small birds.
Standard of Excellence
Show Classification The following classifications are those agreed by the Fife Federation
Note that the addition of Junior and Flighted classes are left to the discretion of the individual clubs.
Classification Definitions
(c) Jeff Hamlett 2005 - Last modified: December 04, 2022 |